About Me
Hello, My name is Ammar Masood. I'm a software engineer based in Karachi, Pakistan specializing in developing and occasionally designing exceptional, high-quality websites and applications.
Currently im a student at IBA, Karachi, where i'm pursuing Bachelor's in Computer Science. I love tech-startups and community. My passion is split between my love for amazing technology and my drive to help startup communities grow and learn from eachother.
Here's a few technologies I like to work with:
  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • React
  • HTML & (S)CSS
  • Node JS
  • Express
  • Rest APIs
  • MongoDb
  • Java

Projects I've Built



A social media website

This is a social media platform that can be used by developers to contact each other, and can be used by companies when looking to hire developers.
This project uses React & Bootstrap in front-end. Redux is used for state-management. For backend i used NodeJS & Express, whereas MongoDB is used as a database. This app uses token based authorization to allow user to stay logged in.

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A survey collection app

This app can be used to send survey to multiple oraganizations / users / clients to get a feedback. All feedback is collected and presented in a organized way.
This app uses React and Redux in front-end. NodeJs and Express in back-end. MongoDB is used as a database. For authorization Google-oauth-2.0 is used and for payment procedure this app uses Stripe API. I used SendGrid API to send emails for survey.

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Face-Detection App

This app is used to detect faces from a photos linked by the user.
This app is built using React, NodeJs, Express and PostgreSQL as a database. This app uses clarafai api to detect faces in a photo provided by the user

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My Web Desktop

A WebApp with tasklist and pomodoro clock

This app can be used by students or anyone who wants a task list. I have intergrated NASA API and getting podc(picture if the day) from this api
This app uses React in front-end. NodeJs and Express in back-end. MongoDB is used as a database. For authorization Google-oauth-2.0 is used

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Thanks for contacting, I will get back to you :)

CONTACT EMAIL : ammar.masood98@gmail.com